The Church of Saint Mary of the Assomption of Oulx is situated on the top of a hill just at the limits with the Old Bourg, near by the Dolphinal Tower. Mentioned for the first time in a document dated back from 1050 and 1061, it was renovated in several times from the end of the 18th century and the first part of the 19th century. Of the ancient church it is preserved the Baptistery, the Rosary Chapel and all the Northen part. The Main entrance presents some decorations realized by Jacques Jesse of Embrun and his son François in 1676-77; there are two lapids of the Des Ambrois de Nevache’ family coming from the Saint Peter Church. Inside the three aisled church contains art works coming from the ancient church of Saint Peter: the Baptisimal Font covered with a wood pyramid dated back of the half of the 18th century, a painting representing Our Lady with the Child between the Saint Francis and Lawrence of 1630 signed by the Ducal painter Bernardo Orlando, the altar painting of Saint James, a wooden altarpiece without ending gold plating in the Rosary Chapel, some others paintings of the 17th century and in the presbitery the monumental wooden altarpiece: a prestigious work of wooden carving painted by Jacques Jesse of Embrun between 1670 and 1676 and golden in 1678 by Peter Milander from the Anversa Church