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Logo Via Francigena
The Via Francigena is also in Oulx!


Starting point and arrival : Cotolivier – Bivio Pourachet (2048 m)
Maximum height : Rocca del Lago (2744 m)
Height difference : 700 m
Climb time : 2,30 h
Water Points no water points
Rest Points : Bivacco Ricovero VIII, passo di Desertes
Difficulty: Expert hikers

Mapping : Fraternali n.1 1:25.000 Alta Valle Susa

Access. From Oulx follow the road to Cotolivier,pass the villages of Pierremenaud and Vazon, go straight on to the cross-road to Pourachet.

Path. The excursion begin in the wild lock of Pourachet dominated from the Rocca del Lago that appear high and slenderer, the top seem unattainable, but the itinerary go on a well marked gravel: after passing the gate of Pourachet, take the dirt road and follow it until it transform in an easy plain path.Pass the foothill of the Croce di San Giuseppe and the ex-ricovero “Rocchette” enter in the detrital and Dolomite lock just above the Passo di Desertes. Along the detrital path at 2338 m high go west after some curves to the Passo, where the ex-ricovero militare VIII is nowadays transformed in a bivouac (1,45 h). The climb is simple following the ancient military road bordered by dry stone walls .From the Passo the climb to the top takes half an hour following the path for the Passo di Chalanche Ronde

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